Great organizations that deserve your support.
Snowball Express
Snowball Express has a simple mission, provide new memories and smiles to the faces of those children and surviving spouses of those fallen heroes since 9/11. They do this in several ways. The largest is an annual event in which all registered families are brought to California for an all expense paid weekend to visit Disneyland and other wonderful experiences with hundreds of other children and spouses. Described by Bill White, President, Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund as the #1 charity for bringing smiles and hope to these children and families, it is in its second year and hopes to increase from the nearly 900 attendees last year to 1500 this year from Nov 29/30 - Dec 3. Additionally they also attempt to connect the families with local military and civilian service clubs in the family's hometowns such as Rotary Clubs, Ladies Auxiliary VFW, American Legion and Vietnam Veterans of America to provide assistance as requested throughout the remaining part of the year. All funds derived from the sale of the bracelets will be used to pay for airfare and Disneyland tickets for the attendees. To sponsor a specific family or child from your area simply visit the website to learn more and send your questions to
The Armed Forces Relief Trust
The mission of the Armed Forces Relief Trust is to assist the military aid societies by providing a single vehicle to accept donations that will benefit the men and women of our Armed Forces and their families. Examples of such assistance may include payment for a soldier's airfare to fly home for his father's funeral, a special reading program for a sailor's daughter, special medical attention for a pilot's expectant spouse, or college tuition for a soldier's child. Click here to find out about their book "Our Navy-Marine Corps Team: DEFENDING FREEDOM"
The Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund
The Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund helps Marines, sailors, and their families meet their financial needs during difficult times. The Fund works closely with the Marine Corps, the Navy, and hospitals nationwide to identify and assess the needs of specific families. The application is easy to complete, the evaluation process is thorough, and assistance is typically delivered within 72 hours of the request. Click here to go to the site.
USO Wounded Warrior Project of North Carolina
The mission of the USO of North Carolina is to enhance the quality of life of U.S. Armed Forces personnel and their families within our geographic boundaries, and to create a cooperative relationship between U.S. military communities and the supporting civilian communities. The USO is an essential factor in the preservation of the morale of the nation's servicemen and women. By supporting our military personnel and their families, we strive to reduce their burden, so that they may protect the freedoms that all of us enjoy. USO services affect the lives of all Americans by helping to create a strong military with high morale, as a strong military is one of our best lines of defense. Click here to go to the site.
Children of Fallen Soldiers Relief Fund
The Children of Fallen Soldiers Relief Fund was founded, October 23, 2003 to help support surviving U.S. Military children who have lost a parent in the Afghanistan or Iraq wars by providing them with College Grants. Our College Grant Program has been expanded to include both U.S. Military children and spouses who have either lost a loved one as a result of the Afghanistan or Iraq wars or have a disabled parent or spouse who was injured during a deployment to either war. Our second objective is to help the surviving members of these families with emergency funds, which is based on donations or fund raising activities held by others throughout the States. These funds will be awarded to applicants of U.S. Military families in the State that the funds were raised that have children under the age of 18, and who are in need of assistance with housing, utilities, medical expenses, groceries, clothing, school supplies and other expenses deemed necessary in order to provide them with some support and alleviate their need. Click here to go to the site.
The web site is for parents (Moms and Dads), spouses, family and friends of our Marines and Recruits to gather for support during boot camp, training, active duty, floats, and deployments. All Marine and Recruit family members and friends are welcome to join. The mission includes for distinct areas: informing, connecting, sharing, and supporting. Including the following guiding principles: "a place to connect & share", not allowing political issues, chat rooms or formats, allowing freedom of spiritual proclamations, support and prayer, believing in God, Family, Country and the United States Marine Corps., always faithful to the United States Marine Corps and the Marine Semper Fidelis. Click here to go to the site.
Fisher House
Supporting America's military in their time of need, they provide "a home away from home" that enables family members to be close to a loved one at the most stressful time - during hospitalization for an illness, disease or injury. The Fisher House„¢ program is a unique private-public partnership that supports America's military in their time of need. The program recognizes the special sacrifices of our men and women in uniform and the hardships of military service by meeting a humanitarian need beyond that normally provided by the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs. Because members of the military and their families are stationed worldwide and must often travel great distances for specialized medical care, Fisher House„¢ Foundation donates "comfort homes," built on the grounds of major military and VA medical centers. In addition to constructing new houses, Fisher House„¢ Foundation continues to support existing Fisher Houses„¢ and help individual military families in need. Families and friends of patients at any of the military's hospitals can now receive up-to-the-minute reports on a loved one by going to the patient's own customized web page, thanks to new services provided through CaringBridge. We are also proud to administer and sponsor Scholarships for Military Children, the Hero Miles program, and co-sponsor the Newman's Own Award. HeroBracelets is a proud sponsor of Fisher House. Click here to go to their site.
Double Dutch Girl
Double Dutch Girl is jumping rope across the US to raise money and awareness for our troops. She is also interested in working for sponsorship money, so if you need samples passed out, or for them to come work in your establishment on the road, please let them know. Click here to go to their site.
Family & Friends For Freedom Fund
Family & Friends For Freedom Fund's mission is to raise funds for Injured Marines and their families. Our severely wounded Marines continue to fight battles here at home with their struggle to adjust to their injuries. Family & Friends For Freedom Fund's mission is to provide financial support to injured Marines while they continue their long road to recovery and to continue to support the "Injured Marines Semper Fi Fund". Click here to go to their site.<