My Hero, My Brother, Sgt Gregory Sepeda

Dear Hero Bracelets,

Thank you so much for your support and service to all the families of military personnel. I bought a bracelet in honor of my "little brother," Sgt Gregory Sepeda, of the US Army while he was in Iraq from Oct '07 to June '08. This was technically his second deployment since 2002 and it wasn't any easyier for our family. My parents, siblings, neice/nephews, his girlfriend, and I were on pins and needles constantly during his absence. I wore the bracelet, daily, as a reminder to myself to keep him and all of our troops in constant prayer. It brought me comfort and peace of mind. It was also a great conversation piece. People who noticed it asked about it and I told him it was in honor of a deployed soldier, my brother, and it brought me pride when they told me to tell him 'thank you' for his service or when they said they'd pray for him too. He is now home, safe, and I still hold the bracelet close to my heart. I continue to pray for all of our troops and our great country.

Thank you for this wonderful service.


Lorraine Sepeda,
